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Photos by KINK
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Photos by Ian Westmorland Exciting things are on the horizon for this quarter's #PDXmusic Showcase performers, brought to you by Vortex and KINK. Fox and Bones are basically homeless (in the... -
Ezza Rose, Bitch'n and Kendall Core at Mississippi Studios on March 9, 2018
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Ezza Rose and Laura Palmer's Death Parade at Rontoms on July 24, 2016
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Ages and Ages and Ezza Rose at the Doug Fir Lounge on April 7, 2016
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Past Shows
Sep22Sep 22 - 26Treefort Music FestBoise
May24Friday8pmJ. GravesEzza RoseTurn! Turn! Turn!
Mar29Thursday6pmEzza RoseFox and BonesBloodworks Live Studio
Mar9Friday9pmEzza RoseBitch'n, Kendall CoreMississippi Studios
Jan5Friday9pmNew MoveEzza RoseMississippi Studios
Nov24Friday9pmKing Black AcidEzza Rose, Robert WyniaMississippi Studios
Jul24Sunday9pmEzza RoseLaura Palmer's Death ParadeRontoms
Jun17Friday9pmEzza RoseSandy Loam, DAN DAN, Banda FeahrThe Secret Society [CLOSED]
Apr7Thursday9pmAges and AgesEzza RoseDoug Fir Lounge
Jan14Thursday8pmNick JainaStelth Ulvang, Ezza RoseMississippi Studios
Oct23Oct 23Portland State of MindPortland
Sep12Saturday8pmYaquina BayEzza RoseLevel B Theater Pub [CLOSED]
Sep9Wednesday6pmEzza RoseYaquina BayLaurelThirst Public House
Jun28Sunday9pmEzza RoseEsmé Patterson, Haley HeynderickxRontoms
Apr10Friday9:30pmEzza RoseBalto, White GloveBunk Bar
Jan17Saturday9pmEzza RoseNick Jaina, Water TowerMississippi Studios