Illustration by Emily BlockStill Caves are a noisy bunch. This is the sound of a garage filled with enough fuzz and distortion to make your ears bleed. It's elemental, perhaps primordial music designed not to push the boundaries of composition, but those of their own amps. Travis Visscher, Jamey Williams, Brian Whitmer and Jeff Johnson present a Spaceman Three vibe, but that's assuming that Spaceman Three got all jacked up on anger and amphetamines beforehand.
Drummer Visschner wasn't really looking to be a singer, but took the opportunity. "I hadn't planned on singing vocals at all. Jamey and Brian and I started playing in Jamey's basement and it was kind of like, 'Well, there's a microphone, I guess I'll sing through it,'" he says.
Of course, there were bands that came before Still Caves for all of them. Whitmer tells us that "Jamey will tell you he was in his basement for 11 years."
Visschner continues, "Doing noise stuff, knob twiddling and sort of ambient swells. Really cool stuff." Whitmer explains: "He was able to fill out an entire band with just one guitar, he was getting so many crazy loops."
Track listing:
1. "Great Recession"
2. "Mystery Fantasy"
3. "Fluorescent Lights"
4. "Untitled"
5. "Sound Of Confusion"