Under the passionate guidance of Ian Mouser, My Voice Music features several programs that explore the therapeutic aspects of music. Partnering and collaborating with local human services and education organizations, MVM reaches underserved youth with musical experiences that interest and challenge them. These programs target young people who are struggling to develop emotional and social skills and use creativity to build confidence. With the help of more than 100 volunteers working as artists, instructors and fundraisers, MVM brings a variety of music programing to local organizations and schools, such as music therapy groups to youth living in mental health treatment centers or foster care and accredited music classes to alternative schools. By employing “music as therapy,” students are encouraged to cope, heal and thrive through their own personal, musical exploration. Young musicians learn how to navigate relationships and experiences via songwriting; are taught how to write and record their own music, in their own voices; and have the opportunity to perform on some of Portland’s best stages. Programs available to the public include songwriting workshops, recording lessons, mentorship jam sessions with local musicians, rock band camps, and private instrument instruction. “My Voice Music is a place where young people have the opportunity to share their voice, to be heard, and to use that experience to change their world,” Mouser explains. “To work with such brave and passionate youth is invigorating.” Andrea Janda, Nov. 2014
A Guide to All-Ages Music in Portland
Chris Young - Aug 3, 2016
Although access to all-ages events may be tough to come by at times, there are still plenty of tireless advocates working to bolster the scene in our city.Listen Up! The Girl Fest NW Playlist
Joanna Cosper - Jan 7, 2016
The all-ages, female-focused fest hits Lola’s Room in the Crystal Ballroom on January 10 featuring performances from Blossom, Hart & Hare and The Last Artful, Dodgr. Leave a comment for your...Music Matters: The State of Music Education
Andrea Janda - Jul 7, 2014
The state of music education in Portland and the local nonprofits that are increasing accessibility. Photo by Robert Delahanty.