Superhighway live at Velo Cult on Jan. 30, 2015—click to see a whole gallery of photos by Drew Le Fore EscrivaSuperhighway have quickly made a name as one of Portland’s up-and-coming bands, pleasing crowds young and old with their energetic live performances opening for such bands as Sheppard, KONGOS, Bear Hands and more.
Alas, Superhighway seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Their absence from the stage has been quite dismal to their growing Portland fan base. Many began to wonder if this indie pop dream had come to an end.
There’s good news as well as unsure news to tell. Superhighway are “back.” And they recently broke their social media absence with a link to a new single: “We Are Vultures.” This track has been released before, reworked, tested on live crowds, and now repolished and reposted as a beacon of hope for Superhighway fans.
Even though its release was just days ago, the song has already gotten over 100,000 plays. However, the band have been up to some mysterious antics. In addition to the new track, all of Superhighway’s social media accounts have been wiped. Previous tweets and Facebook posts are not to be found. It’s as if the band have wiped their slate clean and are starting fresh. We can only hope this means something even bigger and better is soon to come.